Our experts master the main areas of Artificial Intelligence, keeping up to date with the latest developments. So, we can bring you a top-notch service with disruptive solutions.

Working with NILG.AI: The Experience

We work on short sprints to learn something new about your reality and transform it to unlock new business capabilities.

  • Our methodology allows us to keep a balanced mindset between the business and technical aspects of the project.
  • Our supported technology stack can adapt to various use cases and industries.

Working with NILG.AI becomes a learning journey about your company, your data, your reality, and how to make an impact with it.

That’s why we are trusted by clients across countries and industries to support their daily decision-making in the broadest range of applications, from medical decision support systems to handling predictive maintenance of critical systems to optimize their customer journey.


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What does a typical project with NILG.AI look like?

Our normal journey goes from early-stage ideation and validation to the growth of AI initiatives and culture inside companies.

Product development stages
  • Ideation: Discovering your need and mapping it to a solution.
  • Execution: AI development to bring the solution to life.
  • Validation: Evaluate the AI business impact (pilots, A/B testing).
  • Growth: Scale the solution vertically and horizontally in your organization.


Our ultimate goal? To become a strategic partner you can trust to master your business, look for potential inefficiencies and opportunities to tackle, and to bring them to life.


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