Data Ignite

Design Thinking for AI

Recreate the experience of working with us by mastering our business and technical skills directly from the hand of our experts.

Data Ignite is for you if:

You want to realize how AI can benefit your business but do not know where to start.

You have worked on too many AI projects that keep failing due to mistakes that could be prevented before the project started.

You have been in inconclusive meetings where Data Scientists and Business stakeholders struggled to keep a common language for communication, increasing frustration and decreasing alignment.

Our methodology consists of a set of templates, guidelines, and group sessions to discuss each key aspect of an AI project. You can use the methodology by yourself or you can get access to one of our experts to help you through this journey.

We designed a methodology for:
  • Understanding where you can use AI to improve your business.
    We demystify AI projects, allowing you to transform AI into a practical tool to improve your business.
    Guiding you through the ideation, definition and prioritization of AI use cases.
  • Realizing potential risks and mitigation strategies at the project conception stage.
    So you increase the success rate of your AI initiatives.
  • Having a common language to discuss AI projects between technical and non-technical teams.
    So you can keep your focus on what’s relevant.

Our methodology is the outcome of working on dozens of AI projects and consulting for +100 clients for over a decade

We have cross-industry experience. Our team has worked in industries such as healthcare, telecommunications, manufacturing, marketing, and automotive.

We identified the common traits of all those projects, why they succeeded and why they failed. We aggregated all that knowledge into a set of actionable templates to let you succeed in your path towards data-driven decision making.

Ready to move forward?

Get access to our core set of templates.



  • eBook with our methodology.
  • AI use case canvas.
  • Instructions for filling it.
  • 1 practical example.
Data Ignite


  • Master ideation of AI use cases.
  • Online course.
  • Extended set of +10 templates for AI ideation.
  • +10 examples on multiple industries.
  • (BONUS) Monthly live session with instructors for 1 year.
Data Ignite (Pro)


  • All features in Data Ignite.
  • 1-hour consulting session with one of our experts to review your results.


  • All features in Data Ignite (Pro)
  • 10 guided online sessions with one of our experts to help your team define an AI use case.
  • Final report documenting the process (PDF and video).
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Looking for other courses and guidelines?

You may find below a comprehensive list of courses, templates and examples on common topics in the execution of AI projects.


The ABCs of Machine Learning


The Machine Learning Spectrum


Data Ignite


Data Ignite (Pro)

Can’t find a course for your problem?

Send us your feedback regarding what tool you would like to see.

If we don’t have it and find a way to solve it, we will create a template for it and send you a free copy. 🤗

Send suggestions
