Want to work with us?

Check our job openings, or contact us if you can bring value on a way we haven't thought about yet.

Here a few fun facts about working at NILG.AI

NILG.AI culture is centered on knowledge and sharing, both internally and with the external community.

Knowledge is our main asset

NILG.AI members invest an afternoon per week learning new concepts and tools. We have +1 weekly meetings to share new knowledge among peers.

Excellence and quality should be compensated

We offer excellence-driven compensation incentives to our team members.

Remote or work from office?

We are open to both paradigms, and we encourage team members to work in an environment that brings them more value.

Open Positions

Data Scientist (Full Time)

Posted on Sep 05, 2022

Build top-notch Machine Learning models applied to real-life problems.

Sales Engineer (Part Time)

Posted on Sep 05, 2022

Help us to secure the most exciting AI projects.

In case there are no positions

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